It’s not every day that a limousine arrives at an event. Choosing the correct limo generally depends on the number of hours, persons travelling with you, and distance travelled. We specialize in providing the greatest possible experience at events such as prom. The more information you can supply, the greater the value and service you will receive.
When renting a limo, the most crucial factor to consider is safety. Legitimate limo firms must be registered, licensed, and insured. Never order a limo with a firm that can’t show you their license and insurance certificates immediately — don’t take any chances.
Ensure the car you choose has enough capacity, features, and a stylish appearance for your celebration. Try to reserve a car that can accommodate one to two more than the number of individuals in your party. Most automobiles include music players or can accommodate your iPod. You are welcome to come in and inspect the vehicle before booking, or we can give you images, descriptions, and videos of our vehicles – as well as specific features each type of vehicle offers. We are also accessible to address any queries you may have before your trip.
The earlier you book, the better, because the top vehicles and chauffeurs fill up rapidly. It would help if you started looking for a party limo at least 3-4 weeks before your event to ensure you get the vehicle and package of your choice for your school function.
A package is frequently the best option for a large event such as a school dance or other school functions. Packages often include a predetermined number of hours in a vehicle appropriate for your party size and occasion for a fixed, all-inclusive charge.
Always compare limo providers’ costs on an apples-to-apples basis. Most providers charge by the hour for school events, but others offer all-inclusive packages for a predetermined number of hours, which is a terrific alternative. Remember that hourly rates do not include fuel surcharges, service costs/tips, parking, or tolls.
Suppose you need a School Event Limo Service in the United States. In that case, Skyhawk Limo is the greatest option money can buy since we have years of experience and know-how to please our clients, with customer happiness being one of our top objectives.
Our Fleet for School Event Limo Service
Lincoln Town Car Stretch
The best option for a group of ten
Cadillac Escalade
Cadillac Escalade Limo accommodates 16-20 passengers and is the perfect choice for a stylish arrival at your events.
Party Bus
Skyhawk Limo is pleased to present the 22–34-person Party Bus, the perfect party vehicle for any occasion! Get the best offer at the lowest possible price and enjoy a school event.
Shuttle Busses
Skyhawk Limo provides a 30–40-person Shuttle Bus for safe and comfortable travel in the United States. The bus is perfect for school events as well as out-of-state trips.
The chauffeur at Skyhawk Limo is quite punctual; he is always on time. Because he is professionally trained, he understands the best path to avoid traffic during rush hours, ensuring you are not caught in a congested location. The best part is that you are not required to do anything. Hire our school event limo service, relax back, and enjoy the ride of a lifetime in our limo.
Best Limo Service at Best Prices Guaranteed!